Sometimes I wonder why I do these posts. I really don’t know if anyone reads them or not. They are generally personal and don’t add anything to your life if you read them (and I am grateful if you are reading – please comment so I know you’re there though. And ask questions if there’s something you want me to share in the future). I don’t worry too much about format or grammar in these posts. Does that matter? I don’t think so.
Anyway, I am going to continue doing Autumn’s Allusions because I enjoy it. If someone else is reading, that’s a bonus. I remember back in the diary-x days (anyone else that old?) I loved reading people’s personal blogs. I loved hearing about other people’s lives. It was like getting a letter from a friend. So, ya, I’ll keep it up.
My question to you (because someone must be reading) is this: should I change the title format? I’ve been starting with Autumn’s Allusions #__ so people know that it’s personal and part of a specific series. But should I put the topics at the beginning and Autumn’s Allusions at the end maybe? That way people would have an idea of what to expect? I am sure that part of the title doesn’t appear when it the post shows in people’s feed on Medium. If you have some thoughts on that, please let me know.
Decision Made – For Now
Over the past week I’ve been struggling with a decision. As some of you already know, I have two partners who live in a city that is about 4 hours away from my house. One of them, JB is a serious partner. We’re in a relationship leading to…more. We’ve spent a lot of time together over the past year (as much as possible) and I know that I want to be with him for the long haul.
So, the opportunity came up to rent out my house. I could move in with him and make extra money, cut down on travel time and make life a whole hell of a lot easier on both of us.
But I was struggling. It sounds crazy. I love him, he loves me. We’re both in the last half of our lives. Why not just do it? There are lots of reasons to do it. There was really only one reason not to.
I don’t want to move away yet. I don’t want to move right now. Each time I thought about it, I got this feeling deep in the pit of every organ of my body. I wanted to want to – but I didn’t. Not yet. I’m just not ready.
I contacted the girl that wanted to rent my house and told her it wasn’t available right now.
Then I contacted a woman that I’ve been talking to about a roommate situation and we worked out a plan for her to move in at the end of August-ish. To me this is a happy middle ground. I’ll still be able to go and stay with JB as much as I want and as long as I want. But my room in my house is still here. I can come back when I need/want to.
And I breathed a sigh of relief.
JB understands. He knows that moving is a big deal. And he knows it is not about him. This is about me and doing what I need to do for now.
I’m still working on my plans for my writing and I know what I need to do. I’m focused on the organization of it all. Traveling back and forth between two places (three places in the summer because there is the addition of the lake place), I need to make sure that I have everything I need.
Like a computer cord!
This past month I have left my laptop cord behind three times. SMH. Seriuosly. Without my laptop I can’t do certain things. I can still write but I can’t do things like make graphics. And other things are just harder to do with only my phone.
It’s amazing how much you can do with just a phone though. I have this word processor thing called an Alphasmart and you don’t need the internet to use it. You can write like crazy on that thing. BUT it’s hard to edit. I can upload the content to my phone but again, editing is a challenge. It’s not idea. And if I only write on that for a long period of time, my wrists start to hurt. I do much better with my ergonomic keyboard.
I actually went for about a week using only my Alphasmart and my phone. That was interesting. I did work less. But I got a fair amount done considering.
Anyway, my point…I’m working on the organization of my writing business and making it portable. So, I bought an extra universal charger. It’s being used right now (because I left my other charger at the lake) but the idea is that it will live in my office bag so it will always be there if I need it.
The New Job
I mentioned last week that I got a new writing job. I started this week. Already, I do not like it! LOL. It is the most boring topics you can possibly imagine. It’s dry. And there are so many rules like about external and internal links and keywords and stuff like that. It’s nothing I’m unfamiliar with. But all those rules take time to implement which adds to my writing time.
I know, I know. All jobs are like that.
I’m working on it. I wanted to quit yesterday – and I still do – but I’m going to hang in there for a bit and see if I can get better at getting all the extra things done faster. Maybe once I get used to it I can do more of the articles and not suck up all my personal writing time.
Anyway, that’s it for now.
Is once a week good for these posts? Should I do them more often? I don’t know. I’ll see. Like I said, I really do them for me. If you like reading that’s cool, too.