It’s almost the end of the week – ok, it’s halfway through the week but I’m always looking ahead – and I had everything planned out and now I need to re-plan because, as always, things have changed.
New Job
I got a new writing gig. Which is good because I was seriously short on money and I was looking at having to get a job if I couldn’t get more freelance work. But that means that I don’t have the same kind of time to work on my own writing that I did before.
The new job is good. The pay is decent and there is a minimum that I have to produce but I can do more, which means that I can make sure that I meet my income needs. Of course, with a new job comes learning a new platform, new rules, and so on. That’s not a bad thing. It just takes time.
For me, learning means either A) printing out the documents and highlighting as I go or B) taking notes on the documents. If I don’t do one or the other, I don’t retain the information. It’s just how I learn. Again, there’s nothing wrong with that. It just means it takes time.
Between this job and the other jobs I have, I should be able to make ends meet. I still have to be careful. But I should be able to manage it and stop using savings to live off of. And the two people who owe me a fair deal of money will be paying me back and I should be able to put that money back into savings. That’s a huge relief to me. Well, it would be to anyone.
I released the first book in my MMF Menage series today! Keeping Kaili is the first and I have the second one, Serenading Skye, written and edited and up for pre-order. I still need to get it up onto Booksprout for ARCs and do a few admin things.
I have started the third, Enticing Erin, and was supposed to be done today but I don’t think it is going to happen as I’m not quite even 1000 words into it. I’m going to try to finish it tomorrow and have a big writing day.
I am currently thinking that the novel I was going to release at the end of June is going to have to take a back burner for now while I try to work out a new schedule that includes writing for myself and writing for clients. It’s not what I wanted but it will have to be for now. It is a beach read, so I’m not sure if I am going to try to release it mid-July or just set it aside for the summer and wait until next year.
I have also signed on to be part of two author collaborations. One is for a Dad Bod series and the other is for a Reverse Harem series. They aren’t due to be written for a while yet (fall of this year and early 2022) but I have to keep them in mind otherwise I’ll forget about them.
Like I did with the commissioned story that I accepted. Shit. I just remembered that. Fortunately, it is short and fairly easy to do so I should be able to get it out in the next couple days.
Ya, I’m still trying to figure out what to do about that. I don’t have any subscribers so I don’t know if it is worth adding all that content and creating new content for it.
My other idea is to create a site of erotic stories and monetize it. I can use affiliate programs to provide images and link back to them. I may even invite some other authors to join me. Why not? No advertising on the side bars. Just affiliate links and images in the posts. It could get a bit of traction. Hard to say.
Head Spins
Ya, whenever I have a lot to do and a lot to sort out my head spins. Writing it all down like this is my way of publicly sorting it out. I have no idea if anyone actually reads this or not. I don’t care. I mean, if you’re reading it would be awesome if you’d say hi, but if no one is reading that’s fine, too.
It just kind of stops everything from spinning in my brain. 🙂 I should just name these posts “Head Spins” because if I am writing one of these you know my head is spinning. LOL